• precat.io
  • Latin for prayer

tech-infused prayer and spirituality resources

  • print books
  • ebooks
  • audio books
  • podcast
  • video
  • social media
bottom what we do ?

Our Mission

Like St. Francis of Assisi, we have heard God's call to "Rebuild My Church," but we will do so using the tools of the modern age.

The Church is in peril: scandals have caused many to leave, the Church has been slow to embrace modern thought, and pews remain empty. We realized that the problem comes from being too focused on the Church and not focused on Christ. Our tools and resources will help others to rebuild a relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit by focusing on Practial Spirituality for everyday Christians.

Our Media Ministries

The modern world requires modern methods of evangelization. precat.io strives to use as many available avenues to spread the Good News. From the traditional printed page to modern tools like video and social media, our goal is to engage people with the content that works for them.

Print Books


Audio Books



Social Media

From our YouTube channel: Directional Faith

As a Christian Spiritual Director, I am sharing my passion for Ignatian Spirituality on YouTube.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to see the latest videos!

precat.io's Patrons

As we look forward to the future of the Church, we remember the saints that blazed the trail before us. All 3 of these saints brought radical messages for their time. They were not afraid to push the envelope in an attempt to help other build authentic faith.

St. Ignatius

of Loyola

Developed "Ignatian Spirituality" and founded the Jesuits

St. Francis

of Assisi

Followed God's call to "Rebuild My Church"

St. Clare

of Assisi

A student of St. Francis and the patron saint of television

Arlington Heights, IL